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19 Ways to Make Kids’ Travels Hassle-Free

Traveling, whether on long road trips, in planes or in ships, is fun but can be challenging when you add the magic word: KIDS.

No, kids do not make trips less fun. In fact, they add color to the ride as they find their own ways to fight boredom with creative ideas. However, there are times when their energy can drain yours and turn the atmosphere of the trip the other way around. To prevent this, here are 19 tips for traveling with baby for your next family trip:

1. Bring some new toys for them to play with.

The first thing to prevent when traveling with baby is boredom, and bringing them some new toys to play with is the universal solution for this. You don’t have to buy a whole bundle for them, just a few simple, safe items will do. A water bottle or a colorful container may be enough to keep them occupied for a while.

2. Pack more healthy snacks that are not messy to eat.

Food is a great way to keep your kids occupied during the trip. Not only does this keep their hands busy, but also silences them for a while. However, choose your snacks wisely. Take healthy ones that are not messy to eat. Avoid chocolates and other sweets, as you might not want your kids to have a sugar rush in the car.

3. Add some art!

If you want something that can hold their attention and interest for a long trip, then coloring books and drawing pads are what you need. If you don’t have drawing books, old notebooks or a bunch of scratch papers would do. You can recycle papers with one blank side like this.

4. Fight boredom the ‘techie way’ with movies and cartoons.

Now, make use of that portable DVD player or tablet and pack something to watch with you. Just make sure it is something interesting for the kids. You may bring their favorite shows and some new titles to explore. This way, you’ll not only be able to keep them occupied, but it will also give you something to talk about afterwards.

5. Have some bonding with simple ‘look for it!’ games.

When on the road in broad daylight, look for certain things or people in the cars passing by, or in the surroundings around. For example, you can look for plate numbers with letter ‘C’ in them, or for kids in red shirts. This simple, yet ultimately fun game will not only be enjoyable for your kids, but you can join in the fun as well!

6. For a while, drop everything and just use the time talking and playing with each other.

Drop the gadgets and coloring materials. This is your trip, and you should enjoy spending time with each other. Nothing is better than actually interacting with them. Play with your babies. Talk to your older kids. Tell them stories about your childhood. Tell them about the place you are going to. The travel time will pass more quickly and you’ll also improve your relationship.

7. Bring extra clothes for baby… and for you!

You already know that extra clothes for baby are a must. Chances are, sometime during the trip, he would spill his food. However, you should also bring extra extra clothes for yourself. You never know when you might get involved in these ‘spilling’ accidents. You wouldn’t want to have your baby clean but your own clothes covered in spaghetti sauce!

8. Have an emergency kit and place it within easy reach.

This should contain tissues, wet wipes, alcohol, and other small necessities that you may need during the trip. These will be your first ‘weapons’ in case of ‘emergency.’ You may include here the ‘might need’ things like safety pins in case of wardrobe malfunction, or rubber bands and tapes for who knows what. When in a car, you may place this in the glove compartment, and in your carry-on bag when on a plane or just walking around.

9. Pack baby’s outfits separately for the day using zip lock bags.

This hack will not only keep your pack organized, but will also prevent you from forgetting smaller things like socks and underwear. Also, you’ll be able to easily keep track of how many outfits you have left, and the used bags can hold soiled clothes or diapers. Separate the extra clothes from these.

10. Bring some of baby’s personal bedding, if possible.

Being in a different environment is not comfortable for many babies, so bringing the same pillow and blanket he uses at home would help him to feel at home, especially when staying overnight.

11. Let go of the purse. Carry a backpack.

When flying with a baby, you wouldn’t want to carry a bag of food, baby clothes, your clothes, purse, and the baby all in your arms, especially when going through security checks at the airport. Use a backpack instead, and a small fanny pack for your phone, wallet, tickets, passports, and other personal essentials for convenience.

12. Dress to avoid stress, not to impress.

You don’t need to dress like a model when flying with a baby, and you wouldn’t want to. Say good bye to jewelry for a while—you don’t want your baby clinging to your necklace or pulling your earrings out. There are already a lot of things to take care of, so don’t add your accessories in the list. Wear comfortable clothes and flat shoes. You’ll be much more comfortable when carrying your luggage and the baby.

13. Free some luggage space by renting baby items instead of bringing your own.

You may think of it as an additional expense, but it can actually be the best tip of all for flying with a baby because you wouldn’t have to pay for extra baggage allowance. You can request items from the hotel you will be staying in, or, if staying with your relatives, you may ask if there are strollers you can borrow. If none, check out companies that offer rentals. They are popular nowadays, so chances are, there are lots around you.

14. Do not pack consumables or disposables that you can buy at your destination.

To save on baggage when flying with a baby, you do not have to pack a week’s supply of diapers, formula, wet wipes, and other similar necessities. You can buy them when you arrive at your destination. Just pack those that you will need during travel. The rest you can buy online, have delivered to the place where you’ll be staying, or you can find a nearby supermarket.

15. Take some walks around the plane.

Babies like it when you walk with them around the plane at intervals, especially during long flights. It can also help you stretch out your muscles so you do not feel weak after.

16. Do not experiment on medications during the trip.

Before flying or taking a long ride, make sure you know how your child responds to the medication you are planning to give, especially if you are using sleep aids. There are kids who get the opposite effect with these pills. It’s good to test them out before you leave on your trip.

17. Plan your stops ahead and give lots of time allowance.

Traveling with baby is not as predictable as regular trips. They may require more and longer stops, and you need to be prepared for it. For your older kids, they might want to get out of the car every few hours and stretch out, go to the restroom, or just simply drop by a fast food chain.

18. Schedule your trips in the evenings, when kids are tired and asleep.

If possible, this would make your travel time shorter. Just make sure that you are not tired and sleepy, too. Safety is most important, so evaluate yourself if you can try this tip.

19. Make a list.

This needs no explanation. When you make a list, categorize items into what you can pack now, what you must buy on the way, and what you can only grab before the actual trip (pillows, slippers, etc.) This hack is proven and tested to work.

Kids may stress or tire you out sometimes, but you can’t deny that you also get entertained with their seemingly unending energy. To lessen the stress, know the right things to bring, to do, and to say to your little angels.

Bonus tip

When traveling with your baby, make sure that you have a kid-friendly transportation provider to partner with. Ensure your kid’s safety by checking if they have child safety seats and professional drivers to cater to your precious ones.

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