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Natural Remedies for Children’s Travel Sickness

Many toddlers and older children suffer from motion or car sickness whenever they travel. This condition is characterized by nausea and vomiting. It can cause plenty of discomforts not only for the kid but parents and travel companions as well. Children between the ages of two and 12 years are most susceptible to car sickness. However, one-year-olds are also at risk for this condition. Thus, adults must learn about effective car sick remedies for their toddlers’ welfare. It is important first to understand the signs and symptoms of this disorder.

Signs, Symptoms, and Causes

The car sickness in toddlers’ symptoms normally start with the following:

  • Feeling of nausea
  • Cold perspiration
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Loss of appetite

This feeling then progresses to vomiting. The child is not capable of describing queasiness. However, it easily shows because of the pale and fidgety appearance, repeated yawning, and crying. Kids lose interest in eating even if it is their favorite food or goodies. Motion sickness happens frequently on the child’s first airplane or boat ride due to turbulent winds or rough waters. Stress and excitement are also considered probable causes or may   aggravate the ailment.

The Remedy for One-Year and Two-Year Olds

There’s a common motion sickness treatment for 1-year-old tots. Dehydration and the feeling of hunger can also be a cause of nausea. To deal with this situation, bring a lot of drinking water and nutritious snacks. If you’re on a road trip, stop frequently for rest. Some youngsters can only ride for one or two hours before feeling sick. For older kids, you can purchase over-the-counter travel sickness tablets for 2-year-old children and above. It is also ideal for adults.

This medicine is known as Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate). Read the label or give the toddler a dosage of 1 up to 1.5 milligrams. Another effective medication for car sickness is Benadryl (Diphenhydramine). Zofran is prescribed by doctors for acute nausea. Consult the pediatrician on whether it is suitable for your child or not.

Natural Solutions

Here are other natural remedies for the toddler suddenly getting car sick.

  • Ginger – Several research studies disclosed that ginger works effectively by slowing down the abdominal muscle walls. However, there is no recommended dosage of ginger for toddlers. The suggested adult dose of 250 milligrams for grownups made by the University of Maryland Medical Center means kids will require less. Again, the pediatrician is the competent authority regarding the prescription.
  • Acupressure – This alternative medicine procedure is like acupuncture based on life energy flowing through body meridians or energy highways. Consider acupressure wristbands which are a low-risk and cheap treatment for car sickness. The downside is not all individuals find relief in acupressure. There’s always a possibility it won’t work for your kid.
  • Aromatherapy – For nausea and motion sickness, the primary essential oil is a small piece of ginger. Inhale from tissue or put inside an inhaler. Other children respond better to lavender, spearmint, or peppermint. Other options are Roman Chamomile, Coriander, Fennel, and Cardamom.
  • Red Tea – This tea variety is proven to ease an upset stomach. Visit the nearest health food shop to buy the tea. You can also check out the recipe below for a tasty anti-nausea ginger-infused re tea for the toddler suddenly getting car sick.

The ingredients include one cup of organic apple juice, one cup of water, two tablespoons of Red Leaf Tea, one inch peeled ginger root, and honey. Mix the water, juice, and ginger root. Boil in a pan. Remove from the stove and throw away the ginger. Immerse the loose leaf tea for five minutes. Add some honey if you want a sweeter taste. Drink warm or with ice cubes.

Recipes to Try

The following concoctions are also recommended car sick remedies.

Number One:

The ingredients are 1 drop each of basil and peppermint plus one drop or two teaspoons of Lavender carrier oil.  Mix the two ingredients in the carrier oil. Rub the hands to make the oil warm. Massage over the stomach gently or inhale for several seconds.

Number Two:

The ingredients consist of 10 drops each of ginger, peppermint, and Roman chamomile. Combine the essential oils in a clear amber bottle. Breathe a few drops from an inhaler 30 up to 60 minutes before traveling and every 15 minutes while on the road.

What to Do and Avoid

Some parents have instant home-care car sick remedies. Ask the child to close his or her eyes once motion sickness starts. Otherwise, look for a spot in the distance the child can look at instead of watching objects nearby. Deep breathing is also a technique in bringing quick relief to this disorder.

Or try to sing a song together so the kid does not think of nausea. It is a guaranteed effective form of distraction. If the car sickness continues, ask your child to lie down and place a cool piece of cloth over the head. Refrain from reading mobile gadgets or books. Watching videos or hearing music is a better alternative. Eat light and non-oily foods while traveling.

Water and plain crackers will less likely set off an upset tummy. Queasy Drops, Pops, and Naturals are candies with ginger, peppermint, and soothing flavor ideal for dealing with a nauseous stomach. Never travel with an empty stomach but don’t eat too much as well. If you travel by boat or plane, drink plenty of water and consume small but frequent meals.

Open the car window because fresh air is one way of soothing motion sickness. In case your child wants to throw up, pull over at the nearest rest area and let the kid rest and walk around to breathe fresh air. If you can’t avoid the toddler vomiting inside the car, get ready with your small trash bags or container with cover. Apply light but solid pressure on the interior part of the wrist.

Keep all these pointers in mind to make sure motion sickness does not spoil your travel and vacation.

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