Your children might not even know why car seats are needed. Or parents like you might even be puzzled about how to choose the right car seat. You might not be sure how child car seats are correctly installed. Car safety for kids is sometimes confusing. That is why Kidmoto is here. At Kidmoto, your child’s safety is our main concern. We understand the importance of car safety, whether you prefer to use our vehicles or not. We are pleased to provide you with the most relevant information about car safety seats.
The Best Car Seats for Kids
If you want a double layer of safety for your kids on your next trip, there are basic rules you must know with car seats:
Rear-facing Car Seats
Recent studies show that kids younger than two are less prone to car injury accident fatalities when they are in a rear-facing car seat. If your child has just celebrated his/her first birthday, best if he/she rides in a rear-facing car seat.
But How Long is ‘as Long as Possible’?
Some rear-facing seats are suitable for children up to 50 pounds (per manufacturer) and are converted to a forward-facing position if the child already reached the height and weight limit. It is ok to see your kid’s legs and feet propped up on the car seat.
Forward-facing Car Seats
If your child’s legs appear crowded on the rear-facing car seat, or he has reached the seat’s height and weight limit, time to switch to a forward-facing one. One tip: Always make sure that your child has a long harness.
Booster seats
So, your child is school age. During rides, protect your precious passenger in a booster seat. Make sure the belt fits properly. According to a new study, children from 4 to 8 years old are much safer when using booster seats compared to seatbelts alone. Kids in belt-positioned boosters were 45% less prone to a severe injury if an accident occurs.
Kidmoto Car Seats
Kidmoto car seats are all tested by NCAP for your peace of mind, the industry standard for child safety performance if road accidents occur. Whether you need a rear-facing car seat, forward-facing car seat, or booster seats, each product has all the features for the safety of your little ones. Kidmoto provides convertible child car seats for children of all sizes.
Highly-trained Installers
At Kidmoto, we have highly trained drivers who can seamlessly install any car seat in as fast as 5 minutes. It does not matter whether it is in a rear-facing or forward-facing position; our seat installers have mastered it.
Peace of mind
As loving parents, you always want the safest trips for your kids. Kidmoto is your partner in ensuring that your precious passenger will be safe on the road with you.